Monday, January 28, 2013

Dabbling with Ideas

Find the right words
I want to scream
Create something worthwhile to read
Capturing the essence of our being
Digging deep
Laughing sweet
Anxiety does not good company keep
Any kind of freedom
Always the better deal

Find the right feelings
I want to whisper
Create something worthwhile to keep
Capturing the potential from which to reap
Laughing deep
Sleeping sweet
Reaching out the best company to keep
Filled with value-driven deeds

Find the right moment
I want to express
Create something worthwhile to keep
Capturing connections struggling to be complete
Sleeping deep
Wakefulness eased
Every thought in action captured
Does not always signal a full existence replete

By Simone Beatrice Naik Noemdoe, 2013-01-27.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

We are Them - They are Us

They did not tell us
About the full scope of their poverty
We could not understand their battles
Food on the table
Fire in the belly of the black stove
A slap instead of a hug
Those were their realities
We had no concept of

They did tell us
About the full scope of their poverty
We tried to forget the impact of their battles
Food on the table
Fire in the belly of the braaivleis fire
A shout instead of a hug
Those were our realities
They had little control of

They won’t listen
To the full scope of our poverty
We try to forget the impact of our battles
Food on the table
Fire in the walls of the microwave
A hug instead of a shout
This is their reality
In freedom they have control of their destiny

We don’t understand (perhaps)
The full scope of our privilege
Calculating the cumulative impact of our collective victories
Food on the table
Fire in our hearts and restless minds
Accepting and rejecting motivational ideas
Trapped in this painful reality
We are all still on the precipice of the socially excluded humanity

By Simone Beatrice Naik Noemdoe, 2013-01-27.

Today I realised that my mother was born in the middle of the World War II. We knew that her father was in soldier in the war and that she had hard life growing up, but we did not really understand the full scope of their hardship. In turn our children are even further removed from understanding this history. Poverty and hardship seems to be topics the poor would like to avoid. Stories about the good times and motivation to work hard and push through the tough times is how we seem to move forward.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

A Quiet Celebration

You stopped
Our slave bells pealing
Your gift
We accepted
It is one thing that keeps on giving

You encouraged
Our soul’s voices singing
Your gift
We accepted
It is one aspect in living that keeps on giving

You protected
Us from ourselves squealing
Your gift
We accepted
Through your eyes we learned the world is sometimes unforgiving

For the late Sophia Naik (Nee Sylvia Michaels) in memory on your birthday Mommy, by Simone Beatrice Naik Noemdoe, 2013-01-26.

Absent but still Present

Forever captured
Your memory

Used daily
The skills you gave us

Passed to the future
The love you shared freely

Always valued
Your fighting spirit

Treasured like gold
Our lives as your unselfish gift

For Sophia Naik (Nee Sylvia Michaels), born 26 January 1942 – died 19 June 1998. By Simone Beatrice Naik Noemdoe, 2013-01-26.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Free Writing

I am a great believer in the concept of free writing. This month I am posting several pieces I have written in September last year. I cam across the pieces on over the last few weeks and since I have been suffering the challenges of writers's block when even free writing did not do much to get the creativity flowing.

Thank you for following my writing and please leave some comments!

Simone Beatrice Naik Noemdoe, 2013.01-21

Always Learning

Train my tongue
To taste life

Coach my feet
To walk straight

Exercise my mind
To think clearly

Leave my hair
To grow wild

Educate my hands
To work hard

By Simone Beatrice Naik Noemdoe, 2012-09-20.