Finally the wind has died down a bit and a weak sun is finding its way through moving clouds. I woke up with the memory of a story that still has my brother and daughter rolling with laughter.Let me recount it with today's offering.
In 1985 South Africa was cloaked in a national state of emergency. All kinds of evils happened on the political front. These activities finally came to Wellington and our school also became ungovernable (one of many closed for more than three months). As usual we were sent home and tried to fill our days with meaningful activities and lots and lots of chores (my mother's way of keeping us out of trouble). Housecleaning was (and maybe still is) not one of my strongest points, but a good scrub and polish always calls for "fresh air" and in the absence of fresh flowers, I had the idea of getting some lemons to make the place look pretty. We had a rather tall lemon tree and as per usual the best fruit was hiding in the top of the tree. I used the 300 liter oil drum standing at the foot of the tree (Why?) to raise myself to the nearest climbable limb (Did I say that I'm scared of heights?) and from there it was just to stretch out and collect my loot. Have you ever tried to hang on, reach out and grab fruit from a tree that also has some thorns in the least expected places? To this day I can't remember what came first. The shouts, the images of me falling or the stinging pain in my back! Victorious! I had the fruit clutched in my arms, an alarmed brother and sister staring down at me and me in such situations, I respond with laughter instead of tears even though I hit the drum on the way down... Ja Ja, I know... tall 17-year olds are not supposed to be climbing trees, but what a gift those lemons were... smelling great and of course we all knew that lemon wedges with salt is the best!
Many years later my fascination with this fruit continues. No more trees to climb, but any cold can be nursed with lemon slices, ginger and honey steeped in hot water!
Sour lemons
Sweet lemonade
Your calling card
Buds sweet swelling
Your value
By the company of bees
Sour lemons
In yellow and green
Have you any other colour
Of this fruit
Ever seen?
Or taste its juice organic
Sending tingles
Down your spine
Like a little bit
Of a tongue sensation
Lemons in the same family
As oranges and limes
Seasoning meat and fish
Leaving your mouth watering
For the tangy
Desserts lime
Flavoured divine
Or an intoxicating mix
Added to the right drink
Slowly the end of the day’s fatigue
Lemons squeezed
With lemonade empowered
In all your
Medicinal and social properties
Well attired
From your humble place
In our homes
You can never be
11/04/07, In Berg River Catchment meeting on a farm in the Franschoek Valley, a meeting room on a wine farm next to a lemon orchard.
Definitely something special with lemon. Glad that you are not climbing too many trees now... and very glad for the lemon drinks for my cold/Anders