Friday, March 11, 2011


Ah a blue sky.... and even as the sun is fading over the forest there is a promise of spring in the air. The birch trees are slowly getting ready to shoot their leaves and my hands are itching to get the soil ready. I'm told our composting bins are doing their work (I'm still stuck inside and out of the wet garden...) soon I will be digging and planting and fighting off the deer. They like lettuce, but are not very excited about potatoes and onions...

Yours truly harvesting potatoes during the summer of 2010.

I scratch in the my patch of writing and this is the one that I'm sharing with you today...


The dry grass blades
Cuts me
Like shards of glass
In deep clay soil
As if
There will be
A spring reward
After a vicious
Winter toil

The Birch trees
Basking in the gentle
Spring sun
Like cathedral stained glass
I almost believe
They are transparent
Charged positive
With natures’ invisible
Eclectic current

Bird twitter
With the radio pop overtones
The computer motor undertones
It calls for a silence
I think
I cannot endure
Too peaceful
To sleep
With simple abundance
There is no reason
To weep

By Simone Beatrice Naik Noemdoe, 20 May 2010

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