Of your later afternoon fires
Burns my nose
My mind
Fails to reconcile
Its vile taste with images of beauty
Vistas through my lens
Jagged edges
Tall trees holding onto the precipice
Smooth curves
Soon to disappear
Solar rays penetrating
Like laser beams
Coaxing endless little streams
Creating in each valley
An unique beat
The plastic bottle
In the middle of a stream
Irritates my senses
My mind
Fails to comprehend
Human ways hard to mend
Alpine slopes
Where rich and poor rub shoulders
Locals living with nature
Occasionally even falling boulders
Modern times mixing with traditions older
Ecosystems need a consciousness
Loaded with boldness
The buzzing fly
In competition with the singing birds
Anxiously waiting for summer
Soon sleeping trees will transform
Winter’s silhouettes into plump shadows
Every valley like a bride
In a new gown adorned
… At least in my thoughts
From this place
I will be long gone
Reverting to the images of a children’s fable
Alpine life will once again at the end of this brief sojourn
Be one of the stories in my barren stable

Words and picture By Simone Beatrice Naik Noemdoe, 2012-03-13, spending one afternoon walking around the village of Les Diablerets, Switzerland.
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