Sunday, September 30, 2012

Die Onbekende

Ek bêre my trane in afwagting
Van die doodsboodskap
In ‘n sakdoek swart

Ek sien die verlossing
Van jou siel getooi
In ’n kleedsel wit

Ek beleef die vreugde
Van jou vol lewe
In ’n reënboog vêr

Ek wonder daagliks
Oor daardie toekomstige dag
Word eers ek of jy aan die anderkant verwag?                                                                              

Deur Simone Beatrice Naik Noemdoe, 2012-09-18.


Ek sien myself
In jou herskape
Bloed van my bloed
Gevul met ‘n vars lewensgloed
Swakheid en goedheid
Loop tesame

Ek sien myself
Uit hulle geskape
Bloed van hulle bloed
Gevul met ’n welbekende lewensgloed
Swakheid en goedheid
’n Natuurlike gevoel

Ek sien ons
Uniek geskape
Bloed van my bloed
Gevul met ’n welbedagte moedersgloed
Swakheid en goedheid
Rou verwagtinge met hoop ten bate

Deur Simone Beatrice Naik Noemdoe, 2012-09-18.


Maak my los
Van bekommernis
Dit brand my hart
Soos mambagif
Gister verby
More wag skoon geverf
‘n Vol gedagtegang
Bedreig nuwe hoop 
Die ongetemperde
Verdwyn soos die oggend mis

Bevry my
Van besorgdheid in die ergste graad
Dit gryp my vas
Soos geroeste hakkiesdraad
Dekades afgeskud
Die toekoms toegespits
‘n Hardgebakte plan
Met sukuriteit verward
Die ongekende
Veel meer as oombliklike bravade

Deur Simone Beatrice Naik Noemdoe, 2012-09-18.

I Cannot Stop

I will never lose

The worry of a mother
Resonating deep inside
A raw voice
I cannot hide

I will always nurture
The love of a daughter
Resonating deep inside
A wild instinct
I cannot set aside

I will never stop
The yearning to protect
Resonating deep inside
A sweet calling
I cannot ever be ignoring

By Simone Beatrice Naik Noemdoe, 2012-09-17.


Drink die laatmiddag somerson
Soos moedersmelk

Stap die lewenspad
Soos ‘n hemelseweg

Beleef elke dag
Soos ’n nuwe avontuur

Kies geluk
Soos liefde op die eerste aanblik

Herleef jou beste tye
Soos elke lugteug nuutgeskape

Wees getrou aan jouself
Soos die vaste pas van die wentellende aarde

Deur Simone Beatrice Naik Noemdoe, 2012-09-18.

Bits and Pieces

Broken hearts
Heal eventually

Broken dreams
Are replaced with new hopes

Broken moments
Reconstitute to happy memories

Broken ideas
Replicate into new ideals

Broken laughs
Multiply the echo of happiness

Broken souls
Heals cracked hearts

By Simone Beatrice Naik Noemdoe, 2012-09-17.


Save me pain
I want to cry
Explore life
Naturally kind
Avoid danger
Hiding in valleys blind

Save yourself pain
I want to shout
Explore choices
Naturally sweet
Avoid heartache
Hiding underground unkind

Save us pain
I want to beg
Explore yourself
Naturally deep
Avoid damage
Hiding on the surface steep

By Simone Beatrice Naik Noemdoe, 2012-09-16.


In myself
I realise
Each journey complete
Acceptance gradually sweet

In most places
I realise
Each room complete
Acceptance rapidly achieved

In life philosophy
I realised
Each new idea complete
Acceptance questioned neat

By Simone Beatrice Naik Noemdoe, 2012-09-18.

Ek waag om te droom

Soen my diep
Soos die bloud osean

Druk my vas
Soos die rotse onder die berg

Hou my warm
Soos vulkaniese magma

Gooi my nat
Soos ‘n winterstorm

Bak  my droog
Soos die woestynson

Waai my koel
Soos ‘n warrelwind

Het my life
Soos die liefde wat jy koester vir jouself

Deur Simone Beatrice Naik Noemdoe, 2012-09-18.


Caught in the spiral of worriers’ journey
Living with regrets
We always say sorry
Managing life
Sometimes leaves us tired and wary

Caught in the choices of a life-makers journey
Living with insecurity
We always hope for the best
Managing life
Riddled with painfully difficult tests

Caught in the whirl of a change-makers journey
Living with success
We always say have mercy
Managing life
Sometimes leaves us cause to celebrate small victories

By Simone Beatrice Naik Noemdoe, 2012-09-16.


A slave to time
Occasionally loses

A slave to beliefs
Sometimes lose
Simple opportunity

A slave to things
Maybe forget
We were born naked free

A slave to dreams
Run a risk
Losing touch with miracles achieved

A slave to petty hates
May lose the chance
To harvest love

By Simone Beatrice Naik Noemdoe, 2012-09-18.

Keep Going

The evening mist
Shines new
Another day gone
Counting life true

The morning mist
Tastes fresh
Another day emerging
Celebrating life blessed

The new day moving in-between-seasons
The weather seldom
Communicates reasons
Wet or dry
Cold or hot
Does not constitute treason

By Simone Beatrice Naik Noemdoe, 2012-09-17.


Open your eyes and see the sun
Never mind the clouds
She is always out to play

Bare your feet and touch the earth
Never mind the pebbles
She is solidly present every day

Open your hands and feel the air
Never mind the emptiness
She is the present that keeps death at bay

Open your ears and hear the buzz
Never mind the noise
She is silent when we need a quiet moment away

Open your mouth and taste life
Never mind the flavour
She is mixed sour and sweet keeping hunger at bay

By Simone Beatrice Naik Noemdoe, 2012-09-13.


Love me love
I silently shout

Leave me hate
We secretly pulsate

Trust me trust
Building peace a process above

Find me happiness
Searching is not enough

Sooth me serenity
Perhaps I’ll gradually emulate

By Simone Beatrice Naik Noemdoe, 2012-09-27, By Simone Beatrice Naik Noemdoe, 2012-09-27, the Northern Cape is unforgiving and sometimes we are reminded of the lovely people it brings in our lives. For Brian and Magdalena, it was in September we buried you, but always in our hearts.


Warm sun
Protect my soul

Cool breeze
Sooth my mind

Slow day
Wash away worry blind

Calm heart
Treat me kind

Time treasured
A gift well measured

By Simone Beatrice Naik Noemdoe, 2012-09-17.

No Deal

We trade on fear
Like hard currency
Always realigning
Life offers no guaranteed warranty

We trade on pain
Like a golden nest egg
Always hoping
Survival will never call to use it

We trade on hope
Like social security
Always investing
Searching for a future insured against tragedy

We trade on love
Like precious gems
Always wishing
A sound return with no bridges burned

By Simone Beatrice Naik Noemdoe, 2012-09-17.


Drives me to action

Holds no special attraction

Builds strong affiliation

Buries expectations

Requires steady action

By Simone Beatrice Naik Noemdoe, 2012-09-17.


My hart is toegevou
In uitgewaste verwagtinge
Elke dag ‘n nuwe droom
Ouer en ouer
Alles meer vroom
Gelukkig is sy’
Wat pyn oorleef
Meer werd as skroot

My siel is toegevou
In welverdiende geskenke
Elke dag ‘n nuwe avontuur
Ouer en ouer
Alles meer beskore
Gelukkig is sy
Wat oomblikke herleef
Meer aangepas in ‘n wereld groot

My lewe is toegevou
In heilstellende liefde
Elke dag ‘n nuwe mens
Ouer en ouer
Alles meer gewens
Gelukkig is sy
Wat realiteite beleef
Meer kosbaar as ons daaglikse brood

Deur Simone Beatrice Naik, 2012-09-2012.

A Quest to Let Go

Slaves to struggle
Please relent
The untransformed
Well never comprehend
Being the change
Might be the joy to understand

Slaves to materialism
Please relent
The untransformed
Will never comprehend
Living the change
Could leave the earth a chance to comprehend

Slaves to dogma
Please relent
The untransformed
Will never comprehend
Understanding change
Can give the next generation a reason to genuflect

By Simone Beatrice Naik Noemdoe,k 2012-09-18.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Lost in Words

In the fear of failure
Words freed
Ink feeds a notebook’s greed

In the dark night
Letters jumbled
Slow fingers chasing ideas rapidly freed

At the end of the day
Sentences scratched
Writing more than a simple plot hatched

By Simone Beatrice Naik Noemdoe, 2012-09-11.

Never Sure

Expiration dates
Quality controlled
Fresh and stale
Part of life’s tale

Expiration dates
Wild and wonderful
New and old
Losing life’s pace

Expiration dates
Contemporary topical
Young and aged
Playing and end game

By Simone Beatrice Naik Noemdoe, 2012-09-12

Seeking Solace for a restless Soul

Be still
Restless feet
Keep rhythm
With a heart’s beat
A sweet treat

Be still
Restless hands
Keep track
With blinking eyes
Equal to lethargy

Be still
Restless mind
Keep pace
With flowing air
Never a reality

By Simone Beatrice Naik Noemdoe, 2012-09-11.

Life’s Pendulum

Leave me
Alone to be sorry

Find me
To share a hug

Leave me
Alone to find the dream sliding away

Find me
To build happy memories

Leave me alone
To slide into the abyss

Find me
To join you flying high

Leave me
Alone to lose all hope

Find me
To collectively create new dreams

Leave me
Alone to give up

Find me
To celebrate victories

By Simone Beatrice Naik Noemdoe


Catch my breath
And keep it going
The day is gone
And I am still alive
Only the promise of a new tomorrow
Free from pain and sorrow

Catch my laugh
And keep it going
The dream is gone
Only the promise of a new wish
Free from failure borrowed

Catch my restlessness
And keep it going
The lethargy is gone
And I am still alive
Only the promise of a new idea
Free from yesterday’s bother

By Simone Beatrice Naik Noemdoe, 2012-09-10

Always in Community

New connections over a cup of tea

Old friendships separated by time

Special relations jubilantly

Family connections bonded naturally

Tired associations empty

Kindred souls lost sadly

Potential connections futuristically

By Simone Beatrice Naik Noemdoe, 2012-09-10

In Conversation

Smile at me
Inner child
I can mimic yours
We can then go out and play together
Knowing tomorrow’s hopes could last forever

Laugh at me
Rebellious youth
You can mimic mine
We can then roll on the floor together
Knowing yesterday is gone forever

Cry with me
Lost youth
I can wipe your tears
We can then find happiness together
Knowing time seals disappointment’s wounds forever

By Simone Beatrice Naik Noemdoe, 2012-09-11 

A Celebration






By Simone Beatrice Naik Noemdoe, 2012-09-11.


By my own slumber’s rumble

Of my unique pitched squeak

The value of my laughter’s freedom

To the labour of life’s elixir

On the symphony of a biological cacophony

By Simone Beatrice Naik Noemdoe, 2012-09-10.


My skin
Knows the heat
Of an autumn wind

My tongue
Can taste the subtle decay
Signalled by the changing season

My eyes
Catch the moment in transformation
Yellow, red, green, grey

My soul
Counts down the hours
Between night and day

My hair
Decides upon the level of moisture
This body is willing to tolerate

My mind
No longer confused
Every season forges a reason

By Simone Betrice Naik Noemdoe, 2012-09-10.


Not a winner’s option

A working solution

Only a brief prelude to be tolerated

Perceived as a strong character witness

Even the apathetic can atone

By Simone Beatrice Naik Noemdoe, 2012-09-10.