Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Our offspring holds the future

The ideas are burnt into my mind
We have to bring our children up resilient and kind
Even when we see perfectly
Life calls on us
To be selectively blind
Wipe away pain with
Bittersweet tears spry
Worry about the unknown
Sucks our hopes dry
Raising future leaders
Is payback in sublime

For Dawn and her generation… you are born free and I am proud of you working hard for a better future.

Understanding Your Exasperation

The views you spew
Rebel against reality
Male dominance
Strikes fear
Like a burning spear
Confused with violence
Utter insanity
This sickness
Perilously dogs society
In this war
The enemy
Shove their feet under our tables
Push their shoes under our beds
Their ill-conceived ideas of love
Trails blood
Bites deep chunks out of innocent souls
Where did they
Learn to be so callously cold
How long
Can we this semblance of normality hold

For Bianca, I completely understand your pain and despair. We have to learn and teach ourselves and the future generations that tolerating any level of abuse will never be worth losing who we are.

By Simone Beatrice Naik Noemdoe, 2013-04-17

We pick up their remains

The images are burnt into my head
She was seventeen and now dead
This reality is more than a fallacy
Life in an impoverished set
Is so infinitely more painful
Filled with unwanted regret.

2013-04-17. For the young woman who was found stabbed and left in a river near the suburb of Chicago, Paarl, South Africa.

I remember

For sure
They keep the statistics –the powers that be
Burglary here
Rape there
Drunken driver off the road again
Another child molester protected by his sister
A delinquent boy protected by his mother
My wheelie bin takes your telephone cables to the dealer
Dial-a-merchant just like we see in the Hollywood movies on TV
Where do I 
Hear and see these things?
The headlines
Can no longer compete
Life of the poor
Filled with tragedy that stings
The brothers and sisters escape
To praise songs sing
Co-existing with Jan Bos
Still the thing
In forty years and more
This is still
No foreign thing

By Simone Beatrice Naik Noemdoe, 2013-04-17.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013


The lines of your pencil
Knows my face
Every crinkle
Each wild grey strand
Like the fingers
On your hand

The images you conjure
Sets your occupied mind free
Every squiggle
Each wilful stroke
Like the moves
In a sisterly dance

The messages you transmit
Brings us love
Every sentiment
Each inner cry
Like the language
You innocently speak

For Chloe, you are an artist! Good luck with the art. Simone Beatrice Naik Noemdoe, 2013-04-03.