Tuesday, December 10, 2013


The earth is soaked
In memory of Nelson Mandela

The crowds searching 
For their moment

Forever in our hearts
A freedom that cannot be reclaimed

By SBNH, 2013-12-10

We live with Contradiction

I am
An unedited history
In this moment
I will focus
On their
To make me
As I wished as an innocent child
A woman

I am
No more
Wanton greed
Part of this world
Our associations
An unsigned
Social contract
Side by side with
We cannot claim

By Simone Beatrice Naik Hagfeldt, also talking with David Kapp, 2013-12-10.

Friday, December 6, 2013

Phambile! Forward!

We mourn
The death of our hero

We worry
About what the future may hold

We appreciate
The freedoms we battled for

We celebrate
The life of a visionary

We work
To make the world a better place for all

By Simone  Beatrice Naik Hagfeldt, 2013-12-06
In memory of Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela, 1918-2013.

An Open Conversation - freedom hard won

If you ask me
What shapes me?
I will tell you
Who I am
Is shaped by
The light in your eyes
Our communion
Truest as voices free

If I ask myself
What shaped me?
I will tell the world
I am me
As shaped by self-worth
Built on being a human being
Kindness nurtures freedoms liberating

If we are conversing
Our images shaped by more than words
We can tell the world
It is not just
Black and white, Man or woman
Able bodied or disabled, young and old
Ubuntu* reigns fundamentally

By Simone Beatrice Naik Hagfeldt, 2013-12-06; Ubuntu in isiXhosa, being human through our interaction with other people. 

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Our Hero Gone!

In the distance
I keep a vigil
His last breath
A leader
We will always remember
Hamba Kahle!
Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela

The permanent sleep
Found our hero
You gave new meaning
Our liberation
A victory
We will always

In the loving memory of Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela, son, father, husband, grandfather,  friend, leader and victor!

BY SBNH, 2013-12-05.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013


The voice of true reason

The path to informed choices

The taste of universal freedom

The acceptance of authenticity

The conversations that connects us

By Simone Beatrice Naik Hagfeldt, 2013-12-03.

Monday, December 2, 2013

A Mother’s Bargain – paying it forward

I am not her
She is not me
We waged a war
Every battle’s victories
She kept a bargain
We never (really) made
Her wage labour
In return
For my

She is not me
I am not her
We wage a war
Every battle’s victories
I keep my deal
In a bargain we never (really) made
Her Education
In return
For my
Life’s labours

By Simone Beatrice Naik Hagfeldt, 2013-12-02. Yesterday, I did some quick sewing at home and took the time ‘to iron the seams and do a proper job’. It took me back to my mother behind the sewing machine. How much energy and effort she put into her work. It made me reflect on how we used to have this battle of wills. She vowed that we should never be workers on a factory floor. We used to argue over nothing and everything. Now I am a mother who can argue with her daughter over nothing and everything. It is also a realisation that we did not have to work on a factory floor, but it does not mean the work life is easy or without complications.

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Looking on

I’m lost in the language 
Of your understanding
Grappling this strangeness
Navigating itself
My firm identity
Consciously aware of my status
A breathing

I navigate
The strangeness of my vision
This disconnectedness
Settles like a stranger
In an unfamiliar shelter
Craving the value of its protection
I yearn
To break down the walls
Creating complete consciousness
Not just
Minor brilliance

I navigate
The void between knowledge and self-awareness
Nothing is ever completely known
We tolerate some level of uncertainty
Seldom leads to complete tragedy
A sense of engagement
Always nurtures
Natural commitment
Much more than
Superficial self-actualisation

By Simone Beatrice Naik Hagfeldt, 2013-11-28.


Identity, place and space
We constantly grapple with

Authenticity, reality and royalty
A daily struggle reinvented

Expectations, dreams and wishes
We nurture relentlessly

Injustices, losses and pain
We like burdens carry

Love, hope and life
Is what keeps us going

By Simone Beatrice Naik Hagfeldt, 2013-11-28.