Wednesday, October 31, 2012

It’s a Shame

We never learnt
To unlearn
Running deep like veins
Trapped beneath the skin
Where does one begin?
Wiping the slate clean
Certainly not a reality
It seems

We never learnt
To relearn
Running wild like a perfects storm
Trapped in more than a teacup
Where does one begin?
Building a new dream
Certainly a possibility
It seems

We never learnt
To learn
Running slow like the droplets to the might river
Trapped in the worry of forbearance
Where does one begin?
Question the one within
Certainly a prospect
It seems

For David Kapp, 2012-10-30.


Hope knocked on my door today
Love invited her in and made a permanent home for her stay

Peace moved into my life much earlier than yesterday
Serenity built a shrine so that she could have a good reason to stay

Happiness creates an eternal room for me to enjoy every day
Laughter is the prize I collect along the way

By Simone Beatrice Naik Noemdoe, 2012-10-23

For Natalie Johnson, 2012-10-23. Thank you for your inspiration!


One day 
They will bury me with my idealism
Stuck in the bones
Like the fossils in the Karoo
Carnarvon -  I once knew you
In the days long gone 
Struggling with Aunty Lou
We cannot eat ideas
So true

One day
They will discover their own idealism (I hope!)
Stuck in the forlorn places
Like the man on the moon
My country - I once knew you
In the days long gone
Struggling still blue
We cannot nurture dreams
Too crude

One day
We will explore our collective idealism
Stuck in the clouds
Like the lone tree on the hill
The self– we once knew
Struggling with the loss of reality
We cannot be spot on
Just hoping

By Simone Beatrice Naik Noemdoe, 2012-10-16.


Wie ek is 
Lê in die manier hoe ek samoosas vou

Wie is ek
Is vasgetrap in hoe ek my voete op die dansvloer stamp

Wie ek is
Daar in die punt van my hart wat instinktief kinders grootmaak

Wie is ek
Obseverent, sterk, vreemdelinge in vriendskap met wye arms opgeraap

Wie ek is
Diep vertroos deur inherente droom kontak met familie en vriende in die verte

Wie is ek
Is ook amper jy, platvloers, onge-erg, niks kan te veel verg

Wie ek is
Altyd vraend, groeiend, bloeiend soos die lente

Deur Simone Beatrice Naik Noemdoe, 2012-10-08.   

How is life right now?

”Not too bad,”
Said the full man

”Not too slow,” 
Said the fast woman

”Not too insane,” 
Said the crazy man

”Not too busy,” 
Said the lazy woman

"Not too poor, "
Said the rich man

"Not too easy,"
Said the difficult woman

"Not too happy"
Said the sad man

"Not too impossible"
Said everyone

By Simone Beatrice Naik Noemdoe, 2012-10 31. 

Sunday, October 7, 2012

More than a mood…

Caught in bones wreaks havoc

Mirrored in eyes collects joy

Nurtured blindly build animosity

Offered in a kind act gathers rewards unexpected

Extended naturally builds a world grounded in reality

By Simone Beatrice Naik Noemdoe, 2012-10-07.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

No Going Back

Moments in time
Never confined
Moving forward
When in concepts

Moments in life
Easily maligned
Advancing years
When in expectations

Moments in reality
Barely surviving
Meditated mediation
When in insanity

By Simone Beatrice Naik Noemdoe, 2012-10-04.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Taking Note

Outside my window
A bird searching
The last of summer’s offerings
It’s life not governed by detailed planning

Under the comfort of the blanket on the couch
A soul searching
The last of life’s offerings
A life not governed by detailed dreaming

Drenching the soil relentless
Water always searching
The first of winters’ offerings
Life not governed by predicted thinking

By Simone Beatrice Naik Noemdoe, 2012-10-03.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

"Wat is in 'n Naam?"

Jou naam is wie jy is
Geskryf met die bloed van die hart

Jou naam sê van waar jy kom
Geskape uit liefde ongekend

Jou naam is die omslag wat jou storie toevou
Elke een se verhaal is belangrik

Jou naam is verewig vasgevang
Gegrafeer in die siel van geliefdes

Jou naam is wie jy is
Identiteit diep gegrawe in humaniteit

Deur Simone Beatrice Naik Noemdoe, is geskryf in antwoord tot 'n vraat gestel deur 'n baie goeie vriendin, 2012-10-01

“What is in a name?”
Your name is who you are
Written with the heart’s blood

Your name says where you’re from
Created through love endless

Your name is the cover enveloping your story
Everyone’s memories important

Your name is trapped in eternity
Engraved in your beloved’s souls

Your name is who you are
An identity buried deep in humanity

By Simone Beatrice Naik Noemdoe, in response to a dear friend’s question… “What is in a name?”, 2012-10-01

Op my Tong

Die aandenkinge

Die herinneringe

Die verwagtinge

Die onverganklike

Deur Simone Beatrice Naik Noemdoe, 2012-10-01.

On my Tongue

The commemorations

The memories

The expectations

The infinitude

By Simone Beatrice Naik Noemdoe, 2012-10-01.